Operation : Vivo Format FS / FRP Reset
Checking for existing devices...Not Found
Turn Off phone, hold Vol UP + Vol DOWN and insert USB cable.
Some phones may need Special Boot Cable or TestPoint for EDL mode.
SAMSUNG : Turn Off phone, hold EDL Cable Button and insert to phone and
press VOL DOWN + POWER on phone more than 3 times rapidly and then leave EDL Cable Button.
Found Port : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM43)
Driver Info : Qualcomm Incorporated, qcusbser.sys,
Connecting to phone...OK
Waiting for response...OK
Init Handshake Sequence...OK
Hardware ID : E1C00800 [8976] 04007300
OPK_DATA : A103747D6F285B7FDDA476A5E985F67EB8D73574FB572BC34535197B5417B2E1
Initializing Protocol...OK
Using Auto Loader Selection [1]
Preparing Loader...Done
Sending Loader [8976_017]...Done
Executing Loader...OK
Detecting Storage Type...OK
Hardware : MSM8996, EMMC, 64 GB
LU Count : 4 [0x0747C000] [0x00000000] [0x00000000] [0x00000000]
WARNING! High Speed Driver is not installed.
Please install driver from QcFire\Drivers folder using Device Manager.
Payload Info : In: 262144 [4096], Out: 131072, Sector Size: 512
Reading Partition Table...OK
Reading Device Information...OK
Device : vivo vivo 1723CF [PD1730CF_EX]
Brand : vivo
Prod.Name : PD1730CF_EX
Software : PKQ1.180819.001 release-keys, compiler12022002 [Mon Dec 2 20:01:54 CST 2019]
Android Ver. : 9
Patch Level : 2019-11-01
Formatting userdata...DonePatched OK
Resetting FRP Lock...Done
Wipe cache / userdata from Recovery and reboot.
First startup may take 2-5 minutes.
Operation Finished.
QcFire Ver. 9.6