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Sir can't use your software tested on 2 computers... All start but can't acces any file bitmap or other some time app crash.. we have to use windows 7 ? I send you my LIC private ..Post here with your registration difficulties or failure to log in. never mention / write your SN in this post, send it via Inbox Massage
Got same problem have u fixed it ?email is [email protected]
from the very first day unable to use that tool whenever trying to open tool and by luck any of diagram I'm unable to open it facing load error change windows tried to contact support team on WhatsApp no reply no support , question is simple customers are worth for team or not what will they say others after buying that tool if they are facing troubles ,i think the first thing which makes any business perfect is customer support but team is focusing on sale only no any customer support ,,,,,,,,i prefer that on other tools but after buying really disappointed by your customer support ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,