UFi UFI Software Update version #KeepWorking #StaySafe

UFi Box & Dongle


Friend's Martview
Feb 12, 2019
I already installed version but I have a problem, the same error when opening the ufi box in windows 10 pro 64 bits 20H2 but with another error code, when I want to open it I get this error, help us answer

I see that nobody helps with the ufi tool, I help and nobody helps

Sin título.png

Pintu Gupta@

Friend's Martview
Jun 2, 2019
India /Jharkhand/koderma/Domchanch

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UFI Software version #KeepWorking #StaySafe

Whats NEW :

 UFS ToolBox release preview:

   The UFS ToolBox requires a UFI UFS-PROG device and will later be available as an upgrade kit for current users
   UFS-PROG hardware must be paired with UFI-BOX, so you still need UFI-BOX to work with the software

General changes:

ADD: Support for Android 10 with dynamic partitions so the system information for Android 10 should be read correctly now

eMMC ToolBox changes:

ADD: RPMB provision information on identify

BUGFIX: Minor bugfixes and improvements

Android ToolBox changes:

ADD: Bypass security for MediaTek devices

         Supported chipset:
           MT6785, MT6765, MT6761, MT6763, MT6768, MT6771, MT6779, MT6755, MT6750, MT6757, MT6758, MT6735, MT6737, MT6739, MT6797, MT6799
           MT8163, MT8173, MT8695
           MT6877, MT6833, MT6893, MT6853, MT6885, MT6873
         This function should work for all brands including Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu devices
         Some of these chipsets has been tested and some not, please report if you experience any issues with a specific chipset
         This function works standalone and FREE but will only work if you have at least 1 UFI credit in your account
BUGFIX: Improved flashing routine

BUGFIX: Minor bugfixes and improvements

!!! WARNING: Do not rename "BRTested on AND" and "MODEL" list to be different as at support site, certain features might not working properly !!!


Bootloader Authorization service is limited as "Bootloader Authorization" which is required for Identify, Flashing, Read, Write, Erase and Special Task menu

If Bootloader Authorization request fails, you may retry 2 more times at no cost

For any issue and refund claim because of software bugs, you may write an email to support[at]ufibox.com, please include your detailed logs

Mirror Link :

Mega : Mirror Link 1

Mediafire : Mirror Link 2

GDrive : Mirror Link 3
Tested On Redmi 6a


Active Member
Apr 11, 2019
Can the download address be placed on Baidu Cloud Disk or other websites that support opening in China?


Junior Member
Jan 28, 2021
jakarta Timur, Ciracas
Software UFI versi #KeepWorking #StaySafe

Apa yang baru :

 Pratinjau rilis UFS ToolBox:

   UFS ToolBox memerlukan perangkat UFI UFS-PROG dan nantinya akan tersedia sebagai kit pemutakhiran untuk pengguna saat ini
   Perangkat keras UFS-PROG harus dipasangkan dengan UFI-BOX, jadi Anda masih memerlukan UFI-BOX untuk bekerja dengan perangkat lunak tersebut

Perubahan umum:

TAMBAHKAN: Dukungan untuk Android 10 dengan partisi dinamis sehingga informasi sistem untuk Android 10 harus dibaca dengan benar sekarang

eMMC ToolBox berubah:

TAMBAHKAN: Informasi penyediaan RPMB pada identifikasi

BUGFIX: Perbaikan bug dan peningkatan kecil

Perubahan Toolbox Android:

TAMBAHKAN: Bypass keamanan untuk perangkat MediaTek

         Chipset yang didukung:
           MT6785, MT6765, MT6761, MT6763, MT6768, MT6771, MT6779, MT6755, MT6750, MT6757, MT6758, MT6735, MT6737, MT6739, MT6797, MT6799
           MT8163, MT8173, MT8695
           MT6877, MT6833, MT6893, MT6853, MT6885, MT6873
         Fungsi ini harus berfungsi untuk semua merek termasuk perangkat Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu
         Beberapa chipset ini telah diuji dan beberapa tidak, laporkan jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan chipset tertentu
         Fungsi ini berfungsi mandiri dan GRATIS tetapi hanya akan berfungsi jika Anda memiliki setidaknya 1 kredit UFI di akun Anda
BUGFIX: Peningkatan rutinitas flashing

BUGFIX: Perbaikan bug dan peningkatan kecil

!!! PERINGATAN: Jangan mengganti nama daftar "BRAND" dan "MODEL" menjadi berbeda karena di situs dukungan, fitur tertentu mungkin tidak berfungsi dengan baik !!!


Layanan Otorisasi Bootloader dibatasi sebagai "Otorisasi Bootloader" yang diperlukan untuk menu Identifikasi, Flashing, Baca, Tulis, Hapus, dan Tugas Khusus

Jika permintaan Otorisasi Bootloader gagal, Anda dapat mencoba lagi 2 kali lagi tanpa biaya

Untuk masalah apa pun dan klaim pengembalian dana karena bug perangkat lunak, Anda dapat menulis email ke dukungan [at] ufibox.com, harap sertakan log terperinci Anda [/ CODE]

[COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)][B][SIZE=5]Tautan Cermin:[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

Mega: [URL='https://mega.nz/file/XtpgTLxI#ScDFENVeu9T2cZOzneeI27OY2Lb0RljrNCpXca-xfn0']Mirror Link 1[/URL]

Mediafire: [URL='http://www.mediafire.com/file/acjyy4rtr9nzotz/UFI_v1.5.0.2008_setup.zip/file']Mirror Link 2[/URL]

GDrive: [URL='https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Uj6SQ92dDv32loOqSa5dHhhNy9I55fA/view?usp=sharing']Tautan Cermin 3[/URL][/CENTER]
</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> orang </s>


Junior Member
May 21, 2019
hi i have just installed new software for the ufi box , but for some reason when detecting chip it takes 15 seconds to detect chips, before straight away, seems the new software slowing detection, or is there any settings i need to do.