Free Samsung FRP Tool V1.6 by Mohammad Ali


Friend's Martview
Jun 10, 2019
NO Emergency Call Fixed Samsung FRP Tool V1.6 FREE Android 9 10 11 12 FRP Solver + FRP Script 1Click


How to Bypass FRP/Google Account Lock from All SAMSUNG Galaxy Devices with

Android 9/10/11/12 via SamsungFRPTool v1.6. FREE Tools. Fixed No Emergency call

Download and open Text Document Called Direct FRP Mobile Link [EasyScript Iaasteam] to see the

Painfully Explained Easy Method to Enable x5 Times Faster FRP Lock Unlock Done.


SamsungFRPTool.exe has NO virus 100% – It was just packed with some protection software.

Therefore, some antivirus may detect it as a threat. You can fix this problem by adding SamsungFRPTool.exe into your PC’s Anti-Virus Exclusion/Exception List.

If you do NOT trust this software, then DO NOT use it. Simple.


Samsung FRP Tool V1.6 Functionality and Function Enabler

1. Install SAMSUNG USB drivers from driver folder

2. Add SamsungFRPTool.exe into your Antivirus Exclusion List
(because EXE is protected and may show as virus, if you don’t trust, then DO NOT USE it, simple)

Bypass FRP (MTP) button:
This will directly open “YouTube” App on SAMSUNG Devices.
Select Terms & privacy policy to open Chrome App afterwards

Check “Install S9 Launcher” and click Bypass FRP (MTP) button:
This will directly open “Galaxy Store” > “S9 Launcher – Theme” App on SAMSUNG Devices

Check “Install Hidden Settings” and click Bypass FRP (MTP) button:
This will directly open “Galaxy Store” > “Hidden Settings for Android” App on SAMSUNG Devices

Launch Browser button:
If you don’t see “VIEW” on your device with Bypass FRP (MTP), then click Launch Browser button

Reset FRP (ADB) button:
This is to Bypass FRP lock from any Android device that has USB Debug Enabled

Disable Driver Signature:
This is to Disable driver signature on Windows. You must restart PC afterwards

source and credit :- IaasTeam & Mohammad Ali

download link :- AFH | Mega ( File Password : Samsung FRP Tool V1.6 )

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