HOT Samsung A50 A505F U5 Android 10Q Patch Certificate NG Status Fix (Chimera Tool)


Friend's Martview
Jul 5, 2019
كان الأمر ممتاز ولكن بعد الباتش إستمر فى إعادة التشغيل ولكن بطريقة ما أطفيت الموبيل وإنتظرت بظع دقيق واستعملت vol + و power لكى يتم تفعيل الروت سوف يعمل ولكن بعد إدخال الشريحه يعيد نفس الكره يعمل restart فما الحل يإخوانى?

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Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
addis ababa
A505f U5 imei repair ,patch certificate and restart problem is do you to the perfect root ,but now now solved.
Here you what you can do :-
1- flash it with this firmware


2-Make root using the great dongle EFT us usual
3- format the phone after flashing the root using the recovery (its better to not let the phone power on completly after rooting)
4-install latest magisk manger (be sure that the OEM is opened before restarting phone into the recovery to make phone full rooting
5-finally repair and patch using great box octoplus(it takes some time be patient and do not miss any message come from the process while doing the job)
last notice
Say yes for every notification comes from the process exept when you need two imei to repair .
Thank you


Product Manager
Apr 6, 2021
i need a505f u4 autopatch firmware can you please help
Dear User,

Sadly at the moment, we do not support the Autopatch firmware files, that is why you cannot find any on our server. Maybe in the near future we can upload a few files. We will see.

Best regards
Chimera team