Solved infinity

This topic has been solved
Dear Friends,
Please never never never share your dongles with eltima and other tools,
You may kill your dongles.
Repair after sharing is paid.
I will never share my Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation and repair is PAID
How to share Infinity see here How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debuggers or similar tools - Infinity Box Dongle [CM2] [BEST] Support

S/N to repair : 201556AB


Product Manager
Feb 10, 2019
Dear Friends,
Please never never never share your dongles with eltima and other tools,
You may kill your dongles.
Repair after sharing is paid.
I will never share my Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation and repair is PAID
How to share Infinity see here How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debuggers or similar tools - Infinity Box Dongle [CM2] [BEST] Support

S/N to repair : 201556AB
Please do not use sharing tools with Infinity any more.
Thank you!

Now run Infinity DongleManager - [pub] and update Dongle firmware