Motorola Nougat FRP Reset Pack GsmMarhaba
1. Install "MotoService"
2. After "MotoService" installation, Don't Run Just Close it
3. Install MotoServiceOptions
4. Install minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.1.3
5. Open "MotoService" Normally and minimize Login menus.
6. Turn the Mobile off and then on again in "FASTBOOT" mode (POWER +
VOLUME -), select "FACTORY MODE" and press Power.
7. Open the "MotoService" program, go to "Options" - "Port Setup", see if the
On the display, the device will select the number you wish to place.
Press "Assing", and "Done"
8. In the "MotoService" Menu select "Power Test", done this on the device port will appear
Again "Tower Test" press this option again, after this will open a window and
Press "Yes"
9. After complete Remove your handset and switch it back on FACTORY MODE and connect to the computer,
This will enable the option to Enable USB debugging check the option and ok.
10. ADB Commands:
Put These Command:
adb devices
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1
If Above Command not Working Then Try This Command:
adb shell am start -n com.google.android.gsf.login/
If Above Command not Working Then Try This Command:
adb shell am start -n com.google.android.gsf.login.LoginActivity
11. Restart you Phone. it will be unlocked Done....!!