Try to login with any bb id again and again at least 10 timesNeeded anti thief remover for blackberry Z30 STA100-2 BB_10.3.3.498
Restore With Blackberry Link And try againhi i flashed my passport ,and now it wont go on ,light flashing red Please help
Follow it and Update Result here
Blackberry 10 Anti Theft Protection Removal
Blackberry Passport Anti theft removal SQW100-1/2/3 10.3.1
Blackberry Q5 Anti theft removal SQR100-1/2/3 10.3.1
Blackberry Q10 Anti theft removal SQN100-1/2/3/4/5/6/7 10.3.1
Blackberry Z10 Anti theft removal STL100-1 10.3.1
Blackberry Z10 Anti Theft Removal STL100-2/3/4 10.3.1
Blackberry Leap Anti Theft Removal STR100-1/2 Q10 10.3.1
Blackberry Classic Anti theft removal SQC100-1/2/3/4/5 Q10 10.3.1
Blackberry Z30 Anti theft removal STA100-1/2/3/4/5/6 10.3.1
Blackberry Z3 Anti theft removal STJ100-1/2 10.3.1
Download Autoloader Here its Q10 Autoloader but it work with all versions"
Warning..! Don't Upgrade you Device to 10.3.2 if Anti theft protection is on
Try to login with any bb id again and again at least 10 times
restart bb device and try to login with any bb id again and again at least 10 times
it will bypass done its 100% working method for blackberry anti theft id
hello i have a blackberry Z30 os 10.3.2 i can use which version of Blackberry 10 Anti Theft Protection Removal to format it i forget my password i can not update anymore please help i need
Blackberry 10 Anti Theft Protection Removal
Blackberry Passport Anti theft removal SQW100-1/2/3 10.3.1
Blackberry Q5 Anti theft removal SQR100-1/2/3 10.3.1
Blackberry Q10 Anti theft removal SQN100-1/2/3/4/5/6/7 10.3.1
Blackberry Z10 Anti theft removal STL100-1 10.3.1
Blackberry Z10 Anti Theft Removal STL100-2/3/4 10.3.1
Blackberry Leap Anti Theft Removal STR100-1/2 Q10 10.3.1
Blackberry Classic Anti theft removal SQC100-1/2/3/4/5 Q10 10.3.1
Blackberry Z30 Anti theft removal STA100-1/2/3/4/5/6 10.3.1
Blackberry Z3 Anti theft removal STJ100-1/2 10.3.1
Download Autoloader Here its Q10 Autoloader but it work with all versions"
Warning..! Don't Upgrade you Device to 10.3.2 if Anti theft protection is on
hello sir... i tried ur bb z30 anti theft removal.. but in the end it isnt working bcoz it said its block.. and then my bbz3o wont open and always blinking with red color.. i hope u help me...i'm so stress huhuhuhu..
what to do then pleaze? I have ans anti theft protection in onBlackberry 10 Anti Theft Protection Removal
Blackberry Passport Anti theft removal SQW100-1/2/3 10.3.1
Blackberry Q5 Anti theft removal SQR100-1/2/3 10.3.1
Blackberry Q10 Anti theft removal SQN100-1/2/3/4/5/6/7 10.3.1
Blackberry Z10 Anti theft removal STL100-1 10.3.1
Blackberry Z10 Anti Theft Removal STL100-2/3/4 10.3.1
Blackberry Leap Anti Theft Removal STR100-1/2 Q10 10.3.1
Blackberry Classic Anti theft removal SQC100-1/2/3/4/5 Q10 10.3.1
Blackberry Z30 Anti theft removal STA100-1/2/3/4/5/6 10.3.1
Blackberry Z3 Anti theft removal STJ100-1/2 10.3.1
Download Autoloader Here its Q10 Autoloader but it work with all versions"
Warning..! Don't Upgrade you Device to 10.3.2 if Anti theft protection is on