HOT Section Rules

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Super Moderator
Aug 16, 2019

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To keep the section useful and clean, Please read Carefully the below Rules before posting your thread.
Failing to apply the rules might lead to thread deletion

Understand This section: This section is only about Xiaomi Software.

1-Advertisement of other resources like forums, Site Logins Crack Software are not allowed.

2-This is not sale section! You cant sell Service here!!

3-Use the SEARCH BUTTON before posting(Someone might have faced the same issue)

4-This section is for Free Solutions. Solutions using any box or dongle will be deleted!

5- Please post full details of the phone (Phone model and version and Problem). Any thread without these info will be deleted or will remain unanswered.

6-Only write in the English Language.
Note: Comment or Post using any other language. it will be deleted.

7-No rude language admitted for any reason

8-Use the Like button.
NOTE: Thread's posted with only Thanks, Good, Nice.etc will be deleted

These rules are not final and can be reviewed by Administrations any time so keep checking them for any update.

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