iphone 8plus rear cam not working (theory for beginners maybe)


Junior Member
Mar 31, 2019
Iphone 8p i done wifi ic got it to work then gave it back to client .

The Client comes back rear cam not working. (i could not test camera due to the client not willing to give icloud details and the device was on hello screen)

Makes a clicking sound as if it wants to turn on or something

But all diode values are ok

i then Removed the underfill from the camera components everything nice.

I then look at the wifi ic again because components above it also controls the camera circuits.

I noticed a cap missing (got lost when i was cleaning wifi ic underfill previously)

So i replaced the cap and now camera works.

So in theory a cap that controls current can be removed without it interfering with a circuit the circuit will still work.because the cap smooths the circuit.

But the cap that controls a data line is necesary because it controls a communication signal. it should always be present
