Batch Word to JPG Converter_1.3

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Friend's Martview
Jan 31, 2017
Batch Word to JPG Converter_1.3

Batch Word to JPG Converter Pro is a program for converting the required number of documents such as
Word into several image formats, such as BMP, TIF, GIF, and so on. In this case, you will not need to install MS Office.
The interface is structured around the download panel and is supported by several combined menus that determine the
location and format of the output, the file prefix and image size. There are also several control options on the toolbar,
but they are also covered by ribbon shortcuts, so all conversions can be performed from the main window.
Batch conversion of Word to JPG allows you to display images in several formats, as well as in hybrid

PDF, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF, PCX and TGA - all supported formats that are in the drop-down menu on the download panel.

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