Solved HUAWEI Y7 Prime TRT-L21A IMEI Repair Done

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Friend's Martview
Oct 22, 2016

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HUAWEI Y7 Prime TRT-L21A IMEI Repair Done

Reading identifiers...
IMEI: 867767000873774
SN: VWD7N17721005395
BT: 5c0339dad0d2
WiFi: 5c0339dac519
Wifi MAC: 5c:03:39:da:c5:19
Bluetooth MAC: 5c:03:39:da:d0:d2
SIM card 1 state: ABSENT
SIM card 2 state: ABSENT
Model name: TRT-L21A
Manufacturer: HUAWEI
Device code: HWTRT-Q
Product name: TRT-L21A
ABI: armeabi-v7a
SN: VWD7N17721005395
Multisim Config: dsds
Language: en
Region: US
Android version: 7.0
Build id: HUAWEITRT-L21A
Build display id: TRT-L21AC185B184
Build description: TRT-L21A-user 7.0 HUAWEITRT-L21A C185B184 release-keys
Build date: Mon Apr 29 19:59:02 CST 2019
Build UTC: 1556539142
Build characteristics: default
Build product: msm8937_32
Build fingerprint: HUAWEI/TRT-L21A/HWTRT-Q:7.0/HUAWEITRT-L21A/C185B184:user/release-keys
Build security patch: 2019-05-01
Build SDK version: 24
Boot build date (UTC): 1556538734
Boot verified boot state: green
Boot build fingerprint: qcom/msm8937_32/msm8937_32:7.0/NRD90M/jenkin04291952:user/test-keys
Boot serial: VWD7N17721005395
FRP PST: /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/config
GSM version: 00022,00022
Current phone type: 1,1
Network type: Unknown,Unknown
LTE on CDMA: 1
RIL version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
Data encryption state: encrypted
SOC: qcom
CPU cores: 4
Board type: QC_Reference_Phone
Board platform: msm8937
UsbConfig: manufacture,adb
Debuggable: 0
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:01:36]
WorkID: 67277061

Repairing IMEI(s)...
Searching for manufacture port...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Old IMEI1: 867767000873774
New IMEI1: 352378062910306
Old IMEI2: 867767000870895
New IMEI2: 352378062910314
Repairing first IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Repairing second IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:04:19]
WorkID: 67277283


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2017
Porto Novo
HUAWEI Y7 Prime TRT-L21A IMEI Repair Done

Reading identifiers...
IMEI: 867767000873774
SN: VWD7N17721005395
BT: 5c0339dad0d2
WiFi: 5c0339dac519
Wifi MAC: 5c:03:39:da:c5:19
Bluetooth MAC: 5c:03:39:da:d0:d2
SIM card 1 state: ABSENT
SIM card 2 state: ABSENT
Model name: TRT-L21A
Manufacturer: HUAWEI
Device code: HWTRT-Q
Product name: TRT-L21A
ABI: armeabi-v7a
SN: VWD7N17721005395
Multisim Config: dsds
Language: en
Region: US
Android version: 7.0
Build id: HUAWEITRT-L21A
Build display id: TRT-L21AC185B184
Build description: TRT-L21A-user 7.0 HUAWEITRT-L21A C185B184 release-keys
Build date: Mon Apr 29 19:59:02 CST 2019
Build UTC: 1556539142
Build characteristics: default
Build product: msm8937_32
Build fingerprint: HUAWEI/TRT-L21A/HWTRT-Q:7.0/HUAWEITRT-L21A/C185B184:user/release-keys
Build security patch: 2019-05-01
Build SDK version: 24
Boot build date (UTC): 1556538734
Boot verified boot state: green
Boot build fingerprint: qcom/msm8937_32/msm8937_32:7.0/NRD90M/jenkin04291952:user/test-keys
Boot serial: VWD7N17721005395
FRP PST: /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/config
GSM version: 00022,00022
Current phone type: 1,1
Network type: Unknown,Unknown
LTE on CDMA: 1
RIL version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
Data encryption state: encrypted
SOC: qcom
CPU cores: 4
Board type: QC_Reference_Phone
Board platform: msm8937
UsbConfig: manufacture,adb
Debuggable: 0
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:01:36]
WorkID: 67277061

Repairing IMEI(s)...
Searching for manufacture port...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Old IMEI1: 867767000873774
New IMEI1: 352378062910306
Old IMEI2: 867767000870895
New IMEI2: 352378062910314
Repairing first IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Repairing second IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:04:19]
WorkID: 6727728

HUAWEI Y7 Prime TRT-L21A IMEI Repair Done

Reading identifiers...
IMEI: 867767000873774
SN: VWD7N17721005395
BT: 5c0339dad0d2
WiFi: 5c0339dac519
Wifi MAC: 5c:03:39:da:c5:19
Bluetooth MAC: 5c:03:39:da:d0:d2
SIM card 1 state: ABSENT
SIM card 2 state: ABSENT
Model name: TRT-L21A
Manufacturer: HUAWEI
Device code: HWTRT-Q
Product name: TRT-L21A
ABI: armeabi-v7a
SN: VWD7N17721005395
Multisim Config: dsds
Language: en
Region: US
Android version: 7.0
Build id: HUAWEITRT-L21A
Build display id: TRT-L21AC185B184
Build description: TRT-L21A-user 7.0 HUAWEITRT-L21A C185B184 release-keys
Build date: Mon Apr 29 19:59:02 CST 2019
Build UTC: 1556539142
Build characteristics: default
Build product: msm8937_32
Build fingerprint: HUAWEI/TRT-L21A/HWTRT-Q:7.0/HUAWEITRT-L21A/C185B184:user/release-keys
Build security patch: 2019-05-01
Build SDK version: 24
Boot build date (UTC): 1556538734
Boot verified boot state: green
Boot build fingerprint: qcom/msm8937_32/msm8937_32:7.0/NRD90M/jenkin04291952:user/test-keys
Boot serial: VWD7N17721005395
FRP PST: /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/config
GSM version: 00022,00022
Current phone type: 1,1
Network type: Unknown,Unknown
LTE on CDMA: 1
RIL version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
Data encryption state: encrypted
SOC: qcom
CPU cores: 4
Board type: QC_Reference_Phone
Board platform: msm8937
UsbConfig: manufacture,adb
Debuggable: 0
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:01:36]
WorkID: 67277061

Repairing IMEI(s)...
Searching for manufacture port...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Old IMEI1: 867767000873774
New IMEI1: 352378062910306
Old IMEI2: 867767000870895
New IMEI2: 352378062910314
Repairing first IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Repairing second IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:04:19]
WorkID: 67277283
Means that the Imei started with 867... is a wrong imei, its not the original imei? Thanks in advance


Active Member
Jun 18, 2020
HUAWEI Y7 Prime TRT-L21A IMEI Repair Done

Reading identifiers...
IMEI: 867767000873774
SN: VWD7N17721005395
BT: 5c0339dad0d2
WiFi: 5c0339dac519
Wifi MAC: 5c:03:39:da:c5:19
Bluetooth MAC: 5c:03:39:da:d0:d2
SIM card 1 state: ABSENT
SIM card 2 state: ABSENT
Model name: TRT-L21A
Manufacturer: HUAWEI
Device code: HWTRT-Q
Product name: TRT-L21A
ABI: armeabi-v7a
SN: VWD7N17721005395
Multisim Config: dsds
Language: en
Region: US
Android version: 7.0
Build id: HUAWEITRT-L21A
Build display id: TRT-L21AC185B184
Build description: TRT-L21A-user 7.0 HUAWEITRT-L21A C185B184 release-keys
Build date: Mon Apr 29 19:59:02 CST 2019
Build UTC: 1556539142
Build characteristics: default
Build product: msm8937_32
Build fingerprint: HUAWEI/TRT-L21A/HWTRT-Q:7.0/HUAWEITRT-L21A/C185B184:user/release-keys
Build security patch: 2019-05-01
Build SDK version: 24
Boot build date (UTC): 1556538734
Boot verified boot state: green
Boot build fingerprint: qcom/msm8937_32/msm8937_32:7.0/NRD90M/jenkin04291952:user/test-keys
Boot serial: VWD7N17721005395
FRP PST: /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/config
GSM version: 00022,00022
Current phone type: 1,1
Network type: Unknown,Unknown
LTE on CDMA: 1
RIL version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
Data encryption state: encrypted
SOC: qcom
CPU cores: 4
Board type: QC_Reference_Phone
Board platform: msm8937
UsbConfig: manufacture,adb
Debuggable: 0
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:01:36]
WorkID: 67277061

Repairing IMEI(s)...
Searching for manufacture port...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Old IMEI1: 867767000873774
New IMEI1: 352378062910306
Old IMEI2: 867767000870895
New IMEI2: 352378062910314
Repairing first IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Repairing second IMEI...
This may take a while.
Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Finished at local time: [07.24.19 15:04:19]
WorkID: 67277283
Always hide your imei numbers before posting it on any web/forum