Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro (begonia) removing Mi Account (Patch Method) successfully do
Screen Short:
1. Run Hydra MTK Module and Sosc.
2. Choose Brand and Module.
3. Go to "Service"-->"Tool" Tab.
4. Choose "Xiaomi".
5. Click on "Remove Mi Account (Patched Method)" from drop down menu.
6. Click "Execute" button
7. connect device to the computer with USB Data cable
8. Wait until the process is completed.
2. Choose Brand and Module.
3. Go to "Service"-->"Tool" Tab.
4. Choose "Xiaomi".
5. Click on "Remove Mi Account (Patched Method)" from drop down menu.
6. Click "Execute" button
7. connect device to the computer with USB Data cable
8. Wait until the process is completed.
Screen Short:
Searching for MTK Device...Found
Port Identification :Flashmode BROM
FriendlyName :MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM8)
Device :5&16bdd27b&0&3
SymbolicName :\??\USB#VID_0E8D&PID_0003#5&16bdd27b&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Driver Ver :01/22/2015,3.0.1504.0
Reading Device UniqueID, RAM and Flash Chip Info...
UNIQUE ID : 69B269CA6EF027A3AB861B5A94C6CB09
ERAM Size : 0x0000000000080000 -512 KB
IRAM Size : 0x0000000180000000 -6 GB
UFS LU0 Size: 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
UFS LU1 Size: 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
UFS LU2 Size: 0x0000001DCB000000 -119.172 GB
UFS UNIQID : 0842ddf301020c111900000000000000
Reading GPT-UFS [0x00008000] 130 Items
Reading System Info
Vendor : Xiaomi
ID : QP1A.190711.020
SDK : 29
Release : 10
ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU abilist : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Locale : en-GB
Description : begonia-user 10 QP1A.190711.020 V12.0.3.0.QGGIDXM release-keys
Miui Ver : V12
Mod_device : begonia_id_global
Display ID : QP1A.190711.020
Security Patch : 2020-11-01
StorageType : mtp
Userdata State : Not Encrypted
Operation : Remove MiAccount[Patch Method]
-persist.bin[0x0E188000]70.469 MB ->persist.bin...Ok
-frp.bin[0x05888000]1024 KB ->frp.bin...Ok
Scanning Patching address...Please wait...
> Patching address detected [PATCHED]
> Patching address detected [PATCHED]
> Patching address detected [PATCHED]
Total Items patched : 3
Successfully patched address..
D:\software file\hydra\Hydra Tool\Backup\Xiaomi_Account\_050821091329\persist.bin.patch Ok
Elapsed Time : 00:00:45
Mount Everest