Hydra Xiaomi Redmi 7 (Onclite) Flashing Successfully Done by Hydra Tool

Hydra Tool

Mount Everest

Friend's Martview
Dec 26, 2020
Kathmandu, Nepal
Xiaomi Redmi 7 (Onclite) Flashing Successfully Done by Hydra Tool

1. Run Hydra Qualcomm Module, Select Brand and Model
2. Go to Service-->Tools-->Xioami
3. Choose File Type and Image Path
4. Choose Flashing Mode (Flash /Fast mode etc.)
5. Execute and connect the device to the computer
6. wait until the process is completed.​

Screen Short:


Searching Device By Fastboot
Device Found...

Reading Information...version: 0.5
Product : onc
version : 0.5
Secure : yes
Device Info:
Device tampered: false
Device unlocked: true
Device critical unlocked: true
Charger screen enabled: true
Display panel:
Device Verity Mode: enforcing
Debug policy enable: false
Fastboot Flashing...
-config(config.bin) Skipped
-lksecapp(lksecapp.mbn) Ok
-lksecappbak(lksecapp.mbn) Ok
-devcfg(devcfg.mbn) Ok
-devcfgbak(devcfg.mbn) Ok
-rpm(rpm.mbn) Ok
-rpmbak(rpm.mbn) Ok
-misc(misc.img) Ok
-sbl1(sbl1.mbn) Ok
-sbl1bak(sbl1.mbn) Ok
-cmnlib(cmnlib_30.mbn) Ok
-cmnlibbak(cmnlib_30.mbn) Ok
-cmnlib64(cmnlib64_30.mbn) Ok
-cmnlib64bak(cmnlib64_30.mbn) Ok
-keymaster(km4.mbn) Ok
-keymasterbak(km4.mbn) Ok
-aboot(emmc_appsboot.mbn) Ok
-abootbak(emmc_appsboot.mbn) Ok
-tz(tz.mbn) Ok
-tzbak(tz.mbn) Ok
-dsp(adspso.bin) Ok
-splash(splash.img) Ok
-persist(persist.img) Skipped
-boot(boot.img) Ok
-recovery(recovery.img) Ok
-modem(NON-HLOS.bin) Ok
-dtbo(dtbo.img) Ok
-vbmeta(vbmeta.img) Ok
-cache(cache.img) Ok
-cust(cust.img) Ok
-vendor(vendor.img) Ok
-system(system.img) Ok
-userdata(userdata.img) Ok
All Done

Elapsed Time : 00:02:46
Mount Everest


All TECH 4 You

Product Supporter
Feb 26, 2019
can you tell me how to write flash this mobile

via edl point OR emmc Pinout

& also tell me how much credit need for flash this mobile

Thanks & Regards By:all TECH 4 You