30.11.2024 02:02:33 - Connecting to server:
30.11.2024 02:02:33 - Installing LibUsb Drivers..
30.11.2024 02:02:34 - Info : Connect phone to USB in BROM mode
30.11.2024 02:02:34 - BROM Mode : Please, power phone OFF, press and hold "Vol" button and connect USB cable.
30.11.2024 02:02:34 - Searching for a phone. Please wait...
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - Mode : [BootRom] COM34 - MediaTek USB Port (COM34)
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - Drivers : MediaTek Inc.,usb2ser.sys [1-22-2016] [3.0.1504.0]
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - Checking Device Interface..
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - BROM Mode Found Ok!..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Get HW code from device : 0707
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Get HW & SW version from device... OK
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - CPU : MT6768 (Helio P65/G85 k68v1)
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - HW Subcode : 8A00, HW Version : CA00, SW Version : 00
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - BL Version : FE
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Brom Version : 05
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Secure Boot Device : True
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - SLA Device : True
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - DA Auth : True
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - MEID : dc1b65b6daed4be63dd1dfe1049c517c
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - SOCID : e3737e2e341b9cf95c87a9e33a6b5b17e8800aee40439985ebfa28e0587ef59c
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Disabling WatchDog..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Device is Protected..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Preparing Payload..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Initiating Disable Security Protocol..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Bypassing Security [Type-1]..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Opening Device Drivers Interface..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Writing Payload.. Okay
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Response : 0xA1A2A3A4
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Disable Device Security Okay..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Reading Preloader from Device..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Preloader Size : 280,21 KB
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Saving Preloader File to :C:\Users\quantum\Desktop\DT PRO TOOL\Mediatek(Nobody Edition)UFSrev4\Preloader\preloader_merlin.bin
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Searching for a phone. Please wait...
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Mode : [BootRom] COM34 - MediaTek USB Port (COM34)
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Drivers : MediaTek Inc.,usb2ser.sys [1-22-2016] [3.0.1504.0]
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Mediatek Download Agent Information..
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - DA Sign : MTK_DOWNLOAD_AGENT
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - DA ID : MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.09/05/2021.11:40_572407
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Hash Mode : 2
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Patching Preloader Marker : Patched loader msg
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Patching Preloader Marker : hash_check
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Warning : Da1 version check not Patched...
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patch PRL OKay
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patching Preloader Marker : Patched loader msg
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patching Preloader Marker : get_vfy_policy
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patch DA OKay
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Writing [PL] OKay..
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Jump [DA] OKay..
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Successfully INIT DA [Sync]
30.11.2024 02:02:57 - Reading DRAM INFO..
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC ID : S0J9J8
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC CID : 13014e53304a394a38101f0ce7eb77a1
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC Boot1 Size : 4 MB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC Boot2 Size : 4 MB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC RPMB Size : 16 MB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC USER Size : 58,24 GB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - DRAM Sign : 13014E53304A394A
30.11.2024 02:02:59 - Preloader Version : MTK_BLOADER_INFO_v40
30.11.2024 02:02:59 - EMI Version : preloader_merlin.bin
30.11.2024 02:02:59 - Sending Emi data ...
30.11.2024 02:03:00 - Sending emi data Okay.
30.11.2024 02:03:00 - Device Mode : BROM
30.11.2024 02:03:00 - Preparing DA..
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - Write DA OKay..
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - SRAM Size : 448 KB
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - DRAM Size : 4 GB
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - RID : F1E91B82EF4B86960533D0FB94D5EBD2
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - MTK USB : HIGH-SPEED
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Write Boot Patch.. OKay
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Reading Partition Table..
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Memory Type : eMMC
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Partition Count : 45
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Userdata : 58,18 GB
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Reading Device Information...
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BRAND : REDMI
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - MODEL : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BOARD : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - HARDWARE : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - PRODUCT : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ANDROID VERSION : 12 (SNOW CONE)
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ID : 31 [THU OCT 13 20:08:27 CST 2022]
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BUILD ID : SP1A.210812.016
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BUILD VERSION : V13.0.2.0.SJOMIXM
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - CHIP : MT6768, -
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - CHIP RELEASE : ALPS-MP-S0.MP1.TC8SP2-MT6833-V1.3.1_HUAQIN.XM.S0MP1.K6833V1.64_P23
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - SECURITY PATCH LEVEL : 2022-04-05
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Searching for signatures..
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Decrypting Security Info...
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Lock Status : Unlocked
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - V3 : False [HW]
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Task : UNLOCK
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Encrypting security data...
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Writing security Data...
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Unlocking Bootloader OKay!
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Searching for signatures..
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Patching DM-Verify Block..
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Writing security Data...
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - Writing Security Data OKay!
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - Searching for signatures..
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - Connecting to Server...
30.11.2024 02:03:09 - Patching cert...
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Patching network... Succesfuly
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Device encryption is calculated from server. Succesfuly
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Download protocol finish. Succesfuly
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Process status : Successful
30.11.2024 02:02:33 - Installing LibUsb Drivers..
30.11.2024 02:02:34 - Info : Connect phone to USB in BROM mode
30.11.2024 02:02:34 - BROM Mode : Please, power phone OFF, press and hold "Vol" button and connect USB cable.
30.11.2024 02:02:34 - Searching for a phone. Please wait...
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - Mode : [BootRom] COM34 - MediaTek USB Port (COM34)
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - Drivers : MediaTek Inc.,usb2ser.sys [1-22-2016] [3.0.1504.0]
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - Checking Device Interface..
30.11.2024 02:02:53 - BROM Mode Found Ok!..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Get HW code from device : 0707
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Get HW & SW version from device... OK
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - CPU : MT6768 (Helio P65/G85 k68v1)
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - HW Subcode : 8A00, HW Version : CA00, SW Version : 00
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - BL Version : FE
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Brom Version : 05
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Secure Boot Device : True
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - SLA Device : True
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - DA Auth : True
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - MEID : dc1b65b6daed4be63dd1dfe1049c517c
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - SOCID : e3737e2e341b9cf95c87a9e33a6b5b17e8800aee40439985ebfa28e0587ef59c
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Disabling WatchDog..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Device is Protected..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Preparing Payload..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Initiating Disable Security Protocol..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Bypassing Security [Type-1]..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Opening Device Drivers Interface..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Writing Payload.. Okay
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Response : 0xA1A2A3A4
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Disable Device Security Okay..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Reading Preloader from Device..
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Preloader Size : 280,21 KB
30.11.2024 02:02:54 - Saving Preloader File to :C:\Users\quantum\Desktop\DT PRO TOOL\Mediatek(Nobody Edition)UFSrev4\Preloader\preloader_merlin.bin
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Searching for a phone. Please wait...
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Mode : [BootRom] COM34 - MediaTek USB Port (COM34)
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Drivers : MediaTek Inc.,usb2ser.sys [1-22-2016] [3.0.1504.0]
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Mediatek Download Agent Information..
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - DA Sign : MTK_DOWNLOAD_AGENT
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - DA ID : MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.09/05/2021.11:40_572407
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Hash Mode : 2
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Patching Preloader Marker : Patched loader msg
30.11.2024 02:02:55 - Patching Preloader Marker : hash_check
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Warning : Da1 version check not Patched...
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patch PRL OKay
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patching Preloader Marker : Patched loader msg
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patching Preloader Marker : get_vfy_policy
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Patch DA OKay
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Writing [PL] OKay..
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Jump [DA] OKay..
30.11.2024 02:02:56 - Successfully INIT DA [Sync]
30.11.2024 02:02:57 - Reading DRAM INFO..
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC ID : S0J9J8
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC CID : 13014e53304a394a38101f0ce7eb77a1
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC Boot1 Size : 4 MB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC Boot2 Size : 4 MB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC RPMB Size : 16 MB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - EMMC USER Size : 58,24 GB
30.11.2024 02:02:58 - DRAM Sign : 13014E53304A394A
30.11.2024 02:02:59 - Preloader Version : MTK_BLOADER_INFO_v40
30.11.2024 02:02:59 - EMI Version : preloader_merlin.bin
30.11.2024 02:02:59 - Sending Emi data ...
30.11.2024 02:03:00 - Sending emi data Okay.
30.11.2024 02:03:00 - Device Mode : BROM
30.11.2024 02:03:00 - Preparing DA..
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - Write DA OKay..
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - SRAM Size : 448 KB
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - DRAM Size : 4 GB
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - RID : F1E91B82EF4B86960533D0FB94D5EBD2
30.11.2024 02:03:01 - MTK USB : HIGH-SPEED
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Write Boot Patch.. OKay
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Reading Partition Table..
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Memory Type : eMMC
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Partition Count : 45
30.11.2024 02:03:02 - Userdata : 58,18 GB
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Reading Device Information...
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BRAND : REDMI
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - MODEL : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BOARD : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - HARDWARE : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - PRODUCT : MERLIN
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ANDROID VERSION : 12 (SNOW CONE)
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ID : 31 [THU OCT 13 20:08:27 CST 2022]
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BUILD ID : SP1A.210812.016
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - BUILD VERSION : V13.0.2.0.SJOMIXM
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - CHIP : MT6768, -
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - CHIP RELEASE : ALPS-MP-S0.MP1.TC8SP2-MT6833-V1.3.1_HUAQIN.XM.S0MP1.K6833V1.64_P23
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - SECURITY PATCH LEVEL : 2022-04-05
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Searching for signatures..
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Decrypting Security Info...
30.11.2024 02:03:05 - Lock Status : Unlocked
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - V3 : False [HW]
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Task : UNLOCK
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Encrypting security data...
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Writing security Data...
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Unlocking Bootloader OKay!
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Searching for signatures..
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Patching DM-Verify Block..
30.11.2024 02:03:06 - Writing security Data...
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - Writing Security Data OKay!
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - Searching for signatures..
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30.11.2024 02:03:07 - Connecting to Server...
30.11.2024 02:03:09 - Patching cert...
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Patching network... Succesfuly
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Device encryption is calculated from server. Succesfuly
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Download protocol finish. Succesfuly
30.11.2024 02:03:10 - Process status : Successful