World First [World First] Repair IMEI Samsung A14 sm-A145p


Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 38.20.1102 @ 2024-01-21
Repair started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A145P
Carrier ID: XSG
Sales Code: XSG
Country Code: UAE
Timezone: Asia/Karachi
Android Version: 13 [TP1A.220624.014] [SDK 33]
Build Date: Tue Apr 18 11:53:04 KST 2023
PDA Version: A145PXXU1AWD1 [april 2023, rev1]
Phone Version: A145PXXU1AWD1 [april 2023, rev1]
CSC Version: A145POJM1AWD1 [april 2023, rev1]
Board Platform: MT6768
Modem Platform: MT6769
Imei: 357093534753524
Battery Status: 3.93V (65%)
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: DSDS
Warranty Bit: 1
Security Patch: 2023-04-01
Em Did: C1CBD9777712
Bootrom commands disabled: no
Repair imei...
Checking boot...
Backing up NVDATA and NVRAM partitions...
Creating NVDATA backup
NVDATA partition can be restored with the "Store/Restore Backup" function in case of any error
Creating NVRAM backup
NVRAM partition can be restored with the "Store/Restore Backup" function in case of any error
Operation in progress. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Repaired imei: 86388105167xxxx
Repaired imei2: 86388105167xxxx
Modifications might be lost with a factory reset!
Successfully finished.
Finished at local time: [01.21.24 16:39:29]
WorkID: 255585262
Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 38.20.1102 @ 2024-01-21
Printing phone history

Repair IMEI

Patch certificate started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A145P
Carrier ID: XSG
Sales Code: XSG
Country Code: UAE
Timezone: Asia/Karachi
Android Version: 13 [TP1A.220624.014] [SDK 33]
Build Date: Tue Apr 18 11:53:04 KST 2023
PDA Version: A145PXXU1AWD1 [april 2023, rev1]
Phone Version: A145PXXU1AWD1 [april 2023, rev1]
CSC Version: A145POJM1AWD1 [april 2023, rev1]
Board Platform: MT6768
Modem Platform: MT6769
Imei: 86388105167xxxx
Battery Status: 3.92V (66%)
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: DSDS
Warranty Bit: 1
Security Patch: 2023-04-01
Em Did: C1CBD9777712
Bootrom commands disabled: no
Checking boot...
Backing up NVDATA and NVRAM partitions...
Creating NVDATA backup
NVDATA partition can be restored with the "Store/Restore Backup" function in case of any error
Creating NVRAM backup
NVRAM partition can be restored with the "Store/Restore Backup" function in case of any error
Patching certificate...
About 20-30 seconds after the phone has started, check the imei status.
You can check the status of imei by using: *#0011#
The patchcert can be removed by repeating the process.
After installing new firmware, the patchcert process must be repeated.
Successfully finished.
Finished at local time: [01.21.24 16:52:39]
WorkID: 255587003
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