Solved Why do most technicians prefer to install Gacun 5 wires

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Rudy Bintoro

Friend's Martview
Mar 7, 2020

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Why do most technicians prefer to install Gacun 5 wires, compared to installing STR-W6053?
Because it is thought that it is more difficult to install STR-W6053, in fact it is very easy and can even be neater.
The weakness of Gacun 5 wires that use IC DM0565R is its small power, which is only 60w. So sometimes it is not strong enough to be installed on LED 32.
STR-W6053R has a power of 90W.
This IC is designed using very minimal external components. So if we install it as Gacun, it only requires additional Rocp components with a value of 0.27-0.47 ohm 2W. If you have difficulty finding the R value, you can install R 1 Ohm 0.5w in parallel 2 or 3 units.
Do not copy Gacun 5 cable usage by connecting long cables to the legs and then connecting them
How to:
-The first step is to make a hole with a 1mm drill on the original FET Psu PCB. This will later function as a STR cooler. Clean until the tin marks are even.
-Attach the STR to the PCB with screws.
-Then install/assemble the cable connections. Try to make the cables as short as possible.