UFI Software version 4th Anniversary

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Product Manager
Aug 6, 2018
UFI Software version
UFI 4th Anniversary Update is out

Whats NEW :

!!! WARNING: Do not rename "BRAND" and "MODEL" list to be different as at support site, certain features might not working properly !!!

General changes:
Introducing UFIBox firmware version 1.13
Latest firmware for supported models (Nokia, Meizu, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo and others) was uploaded to support servers
Remapped [USB] Device Manager toolbox menu
Revised upgrade firmware routine for boxed with new hardware version

eMMC ToolBox changes:
ADD: Improved reading system information for Android with Project Treble and Android A/B system
BUGFIX: Handing extracted OFP files
              WARNING: Extracted OFP firmwares is still encrypted and can only be used from within the UFI Software(including eMMC ToolBox)
              Always use self extracted firmware image from OFP file, never use firmware extracts downloaded from internet that are known to have been extracted using UFI software
              Using this fimware with other tools may result in bricked devices !!!
BUGFIX: Minor bugfixes and improvements

Android ToolBox changes:
ADD: Introducing UFI CREDIT for flash authentication, unlock bootloader and repair signed imei for new security phones
         Currently implemented:
           Nokia (by HMD Global) supports for flashing(QC, MTK), repair imei, unlock bootloader
           Meizu supports for flashing(QC, MTK, EXYNOS), unlock bootloader(EXYNOS)
           Xiaomi supports for flashing(QC, MTK), unlock bootloader for some devices
           Oppo supports for flashing(QC) and repair imei(QC, MTK)
ADD: Full support for Nokia phones (by HMD Global)
         - Support for phones with old security and new security version: 4 and security version: 8
         - Normal flashing via Fastboot mode (both for old and newer phones, requires authentication)
         - Unlock Bootloader via "FASTBOOT->Special Task" (requires credits)
         - Repair IMEI via "SERVICE->IMEI & PROD ID", need to run in FTM MODE before IMEI tasks(requires authentication)
ADD: Support for Meizu with Exynos platform
         - Normal flashing via Fastboot mode(requires authentication)
         - Unlock Bootloader via "FASTBOOT->Special Task" (requires credits)
ADD: Support for Latest Oppo phones(Qualcomm platform)
         - Normal flashing via Qualcomm EDL mode (requires authentication)
ADD: Full support for Latest Xiaomi phones(Qualcomm and MediaTek platform)
         - Normal flashing via Qualcomm EDL mode and MTK BootRom mode(requires authentication)
         - Unlock Bootloader for some phones via "FASTBOOT->Special Task"
ADD: IMEI repair support for Newer Oppo phones
         - IMEI repair for Oppo requires to have a pair of PCBA Number and Both IMEI number(requires credits)
ADD: Erase FRP and Erase Userdata option while flashing
         For effective flashing task, you can now automated Erase FRP and/or Userdata on flashing
ADD: On MediaTek devices, After Identify phones will stay in DA mode so next time you need to do -
         some tasks(Write, Erase, Special Task, etc) the software will resume the DA session and continue the task
         Note that: DA session will lost if USB disconnected, changing BROM version or you close the UFI software
ADD: Erase FRP and Userdata support with Newer Vivo phones with new security
ADD: Merged IMEI and Product ID functions to "SERVICE->IMEI & PROD ID" tab
         [Oppo] Secrecy Unlock used to Decrypt Factory Engineering Mode, after unlock you can Unlock Region Lock, Enable DIAG or META mode
         [META] Master Clear used to Erase Internal Storage (may work for some old models)
         All Remote Services will be available here(some services can be free or requires credits)
         Currently available:
         Xiaomi Unbind Mi Account(CLEAN Device Only) by SN
         Oppo Calculate AuthTokenDecrypt Code, Similliar to Secrecy Unlock but it done remotely without access to the phone physically
ADD: Added Latest MediaTek BROM version 7.1917.3.0 for latest MediaTek chipset with new PL signature type
BUGFIX: Improved rawprogram.xml parsing to handle misconfigured items for unsplited/sparsed images(vivo)
BUGFIX: Improved ADB Logcat features
BUGFIX: Improved Debug Uart Terminal features (Note that Debug Uart for MediaTek platform requires 921600 baudrate)
BUGFIX: Minor bugfixes and improvements

  All features which requires authentication will require credit
  Some remote services are free but are required to have atleast 1 credits in your account
  See "[ACCOUNT]" menu to see latest available services, status and the service cost
  The credits top up system can be accessed directly there
  Payment can be made with Paypal(for International) and GO-PAY(For Indonesia)
  Credits can also be purchased from available resellers

Mirror Link :

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Product Manager
Aug 6, 2018
Authorize And Remote Unlock Service via UFI Credit

Supported Models and Cost Service :
Flashing (Remove FRP & User Lock
Unlock Bootloader
Repair Imei

Unlock Bootloader
Unbind Mi Account (Clean Device Only)

Unlock Bootloader

Oppo :
Repair Signed Imei (2018 Models and the latest one)

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Friend's Martview
Aug 2, 2018
[email protected]
Sonork ID
OPPO F3 Plus ( CPH1611EX_11_A.20_180803 ) Unbrick } { Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 } Dead Boot Repair 100% Working By UFI BOX

Firmware package: CPH1611EX_11_A.20_180803_
Scanning for Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 device...
Download Port: Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM3)
Connection status: XHCI:HUB3:USB 2.00 High-Speed
USB Driver: [Qualcomm Incorporated] qcusbser, version:, date: 1-10-2020
MSM Serial number: 0x4372c489
MSM HW ID: 0x009900e1 (MSM8976 Pro)
OEM Public Key Hash: 0x3be970a8579cac806528aeedd3a88c72eeaf41e0b4fcdf01bf68420c54e7584c
SBL SW version: 0
Firehose: prog_emmc_firehose_8976_ddr.mbn
hash: a68a92bdad2ccca9b2d12981924f1cd8b0a5113a, size: 348.52 KiB
OEM_IMAGE_VERSION: ubuntu-121-238
Sending firehose loader... Done.
Sending ping... Done.
Sending configurations...
TargetName: 8976
MemoryName: eMMC
Version: 1
Firehose configured.
Storage type: eMMC
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: CKTM4R (0x434b544d3452), rev: 0x05, serial number: 0x7DB1E87A
Capacity: 58.25 GiB(62,549,655,552 bytes)
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 58.24 GiB(62,537,072,640 bytes)

Processing rawprogram0_MSM_16337.xml
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (34 sectors)... Done.
Writing modem at 0x00800000 (262144 sectors)... Done.
Writing sbl1 at 0x08802400 (718 sectors)... Done.
Writing sbl1bak at 0x08882400 (718 sectors)... Done.
Writing rpm at 0x08902400 (328 sectors)... Done.
Writing rpmbak at 0x08982400 (328 sectors)... Done.
Writing tz at 0x08A02400 (2807 sectors)... Done.
Writing tzbak at 0x08E02400 (2807 sectors)... Done.
Writing devcfg at 0x09202400 (66 sectors)... Done.
Writing devcfgbak at 0x09302400 (66 sectors)... Done.
Writing dsp at 0x09402400 (32768 sectors)... Done.
Writing LOGO at 0x0BB02400 (31225 sectors)... Done.
Writing DDR at 0x0D000000 (64 sectors)... Done.
Writing sec at 0x0D188000 (1 sectors)... Done.
Writing aboot at 0x0D18C000 (1179 sectors)... Done.
Writing abootbak at 0x0D28C000 (1179 sectors)... Done.
Writing boot at 0x0E800000 (22075 sectors)... Done.
Writing recovery at 0x12800000 (32635 sectors)... Done.
Writing persist at 0x17000000 (9377 sectors)... Done.
Writing cache at 0x19000000 (12497 sectors)... Done.
Writing system at 0x29000000 (7309710 sectors)... Done.
Writing mdtp at 0x136180000 (7373 sectors)... Done.
Writing cmnlib at 0x138800000 (386 sectors)... Done.
Writing cmnlibbak at 0x138900000 (386 sectors)... Done.
Writing cmnlib64 at 0x138A00000 (484 sectors)... Done.
Writing cmnlib64bak at 0x138B00000 (484 sectors)... Done.
Writing keymaster at 0x138C00000 (442 sectors)... Done.
Writing keymasterbak at 0x138D00000 (442 sectors)... Done.
Writing apdp at 0x139000000 (26 sectors)... Done.
Writing DRIVER at 0x139082000 (46476 sectors)... Done.
Writing userdata at 0x13D882000 (530982 sectors)... Done.
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-33. (33 sectors)... Done.
Applying DISK patch... Done.
Processing rawprogram2.xml
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (34 sectors)... Done.
Applying patch: Update last partition 2 'last_grow' with actual size in Primary Header....Done.
Applying patch: Update Primary Header with LastUseableLBA....Done.
Applying patch: Update Primary Header with BackupGPT Header Location....Done.
Applying patch: Update Primary Header with CRC of Partition Array....Done.
Applying patch: Zero Out Header CRC in Primary Header....Done.
Applying patch: Update Primary Header with CRC of Primary Header....Done.
Writing CDT at 0x00004400 (1 sectors)... Done.
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-33. (33 sectors)... Done.
Applying patch: Update last partition 2 'last_grow' with actual size in Backup Header....Done.
Applying patch: Update Backup Header with LastUseableLBA....Done.
Applying patch: Update Backup Header with CurrentLBA....Done.
Applying patch: Update Backup Header with Partition Array Location....Done.
Applying patch: Update Backup Header with CRC of Partition Array....Done.
Applying patch: Zero Out Header CRC in Backup Header....Done.
Applying patch: Update Backup Header with CRC of Backup Header....Done.
Applying DISK patch... Done.
Reset power ... Done.

Flashing completed in 3 mins 42.598 s
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