UFI new user


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2019
Hi all!

Just start using UFI BOX and have few questions.

1. VCC, VCCQ, voltage selector, is possible assign another steps?
For example FORESEE has quite different response (CID, CSD) if power core to 1.8V and 3.0V. Looks like need catch specific core voltage for proper operation.

2. eMMC check, just write/verify random block. But for example if make sector by sector erase, some sectors are not empty, but stay empty after factory reset.
May be possible add function like fill full memory, sector by sector erase, check for empty. Or how to do it by existing software? Brilliant if it possible form UFI Android toolbox :)
One thing revert to life dead chip, another think if it works temporary or works bad.

3. I not so familiar with eMMC technology, but quite often situations when cheat with memory capacity. Has good, but after release android 7 useless, memory check software h2testw. Which write specific block, then read and compare it. If memory "expanded" it easy catch it.


Product Manager
Aug 6, 2018

Will try to answer your question

1. VCC, VCCQ, voltage selector, is possible assign another steps?
For example FORESEE has quite different response (CID, CSD) if power core to 1.8V and 3.0V. Looks like need catch specific core voltage for proper operation
Yes, you can select any step regarding to specific voltage from the chip in UFi Software.
By Default, because most of Chip support Dual Voltage, we set the devault VCC to 3,3v, and VCCQ to 3,0v.
You can change it in Setting menu, or manually select in main interface, just change VCC and VCCQ from Auto to available value via drop down menu.

2. eMMC check, just write/verify random block. But for example if make sector by sector erase, some sectors are not empty, but stay empty after factory reset.
May be possible add function like fill full memory, sector by sector erase, check for empty. Or how to do it by existing software? Brilliant if it possible form UFI Android toolbox :)
One thing revert to life dead chip, another think if it works temporary or works bad

For checking the empty memory, we provide function called Blank Check.
We also make function to random write and verify at first and random sector in Boot 1 and User Area via Nand Test, this is more efficient for checking the damage nand area.

3. I not so familiar with eMMC technology, but quite often situations when cheat with memory capacity. Has good, but after release android 7 useless, memory check software h2testw. Which write specific block, then read and compare it. If memory "expanded" it easy catch it

Resize user data partition in UFi eMMC ToolBox is not 'cheat' by term of fake flash size, it use to expand the real storage by replacing the current storage with new one with big capacty. Resize the user data and reallign will patch the MBR or GPT to match the real size of Storage replacement, so any version of android will still known the expanded storage, because thats the real one.


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2019
Thanks for answer!

1. I think for unexpected case i can terminate VCC between UFI Box and EMMc clip, and inject form Lab power supply, so many as I want.

2. Ok, change question. Is have UFI API for make own program on C, Matlab, Labwiev etc for test by own algorithm? Even if eMMC stay complete unuseable after it, it not a problem.
Your function before erasing in advance not fill whole memory by 0xFF. In this sample blank check after sector-by-sector erase show error only if before erasing bit volume was "1" state .

For example like this, this garbage will dissapear after Factory erase. I can upload firmware, verify it, all will work fine, but phone stay "brick" again over short time because by normal flow cant erase sectors.

3. Means when take 64mb flash memory, but represent it as 16gb memory. Most familiar and very popular cheating. User can write and read small file less 64mb, even can write 16gb file, but can
t read it. Unfortunatelly, I have just MMC card and USB flash drive with this cheating, but still havent eMMC sample.
https://h2testw.ru/, sorry can
t find on the english language web site. For that cases where device can represent memory space as file system amazing tool.
If make small amount data test, this kind of devices will substitute real memory to requested addresses, but can do it only when real memory enough. I can wrote and verify 64mb block, repeat it many times for any random addresses in 16Gb space, only if I overfill this 64mb i can catch error.
64mb take for example, it can be 4Gb to 8gb, 8Gb to 64gb etc.

I`m QA enginner, I no need repair broken smartphones, but I need ability determine where fault, what wrong, is happens cheating.


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2019
Hi. Really how to ask about new functions?

I use UFI box almost along one months, test hundreds samples. It really very useful tool!
I sure in "china phone" market right now epidemic situation with second hand memory and memory which recovered (looks like old 2014-2016 years, health report show all ok, but with abnormal amount of bad block).
UFI box easy catch it!

But some functions very unconvinient.

For example, trough MTK loader I can scan how many memory, brand, date of production. But i cant do it with spreadtrum.
Than i need take out IC from PCBA and use EMMC health report for determine how it old.
Than reconnect EMMC holder to EMMC reader and by windows apps make surface test, measure speed. But i cant test BOOTs and RPMB partitions by this way.
For example UFI box internal memory test function show all ok, but if use EMMC reader and "flash check", "h2testw" it show reallocated bad block to the end of memory space.

Is possible add functions?
full memory test - user area, BOOTs, RPMB, RAM trought USB cable
memory speed measure graph
read EMMC smart report trough USB cable
make same for spreadtrum