HOT Section Rules

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Aug 21, 2018
Hi by All .

Here i write small rules what help you in user side and me for get answer in fast time without any compromiss.

1. Mkey - Modem Unlock Key The NOT FREE SOFTWARE! For run soft, need by Mkey dongle , else soft not work.

2. Before ask, check forum for already existed question & answer.

3. Make your post in needed thread only!

- if similar thread exist = yu can write here.

- if not exist then open new.

4. Don't post any direct Mkey software or firmware link in public forum because:

a. not Mkey users try run soft and inform me about dongle not work.
b. other tool users try run soft in alien boxes and also say me same.
c. i can help only Mkey dongle users because can check faults by Mkey.

5. If you have ICQ or Sonork then u can write me ur story in my ICQ 333-414-824 or Sonork 100.69222 for get maximal fast answer.

6. Any spam or new post not in valid threads WILL BE DELETED without any Explanation!!

7.We ARe Not responsible For USe In Illegle Activity With This Soft

B.R Mkey - Modem UnlockKey team.


Staff member
May 29, 2020

Donate money to this user
To keep the section useful and clean, Please read Carefully the below Rules before posting your thread.
Failing to apply the rules might lead to thread deletion

Understand This section: This section is only about mKey.

1-Always use the latest update before posting any issue with the dongle.

2-Use the SEARCH BUTTON before posting(Someone might have faced the same issue)

3- Please post full details of issue and phone condition with Logs/Screenshot. Any complaint without any Log/Screenshot will be deleted or will remain unanswered.

4- When posting a video on this forum always integrate Martview LOGO in the video!(Check attached zip file)


5- It is not necessary that only the Product Manager or Product Supporter will answer your query. We have many nice users here who also have good knowledge and can reply and help to solve your issue.

6-Only write in the English Language

7-Product Manager, Supporter, and frequent user of our tool are considered Senior here. Regardless of their forum status and joining date. So please show some respect to them.

8-No comparison with other tools in this section. Whether in good or in bad means.

9-Do not post logs from other tools

10-No rude language admitted for any reason

11-Use the Like button.
NOTE: Thread's posted with only Thanks, Good, Nice.etc will be deleted

12-Always buy from official resellers and distributors.

13-This is not sale section! You cant sell your box here!

14-Advertise of other resources like forums, Site Logins are not allowed.

These rules are not final and can be reviewed by Administrations any time so keep checking them for any update.


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