To keep the section useful and clean, Please read Carefully the below Rules before posting your thread.
Failing to apply the rules might lead to thread deletion
Failing to apply the rules might lead to thread deletion
Understand This section: This section is only about Premium Firmware.
1- You can post ONLY 1 Non Free-firmware/thread and ask for reasonable price But in this case u will not benefit from Monetization.
Meaning the Monetization feature will be disabled for users who actively post in this section!
2-User MUST Mention that the FILE IS PAID in the thread and in the Title of the Post otherwise the thread will be deleted!
3-Users are allowed to post 1 time/4 DAYS in this section to avoid spam!
If u are interested to have you own advertising section, and create unlimited posts, Please contact:
4- Only free firmware benefit from Monetization awards offered by
5-Dont post Links that require creating an account! Advertise of other resources like forums, Site Logins are not allowed!
If u are interested to have you own advertising section, Please contact:
6-Dont post post personal info Or personal pages! Facebook,instagram,telegram... Or your post will be deleted without notice.
7-Upload your files using known file sharing services ( Dropbox, Mediafire, Box, Mega, Google Drive...)
8-Use the SEARCH BUTTON before posting(Someone might have asked for the same file )
9- Please post full details of the firmware!!(exact version and any other info might be helpful).
10-Only write in English Language.
11-No rude language admitted for any reason.
12-Only users with minimum 50 Posts are able to download files.
***Use the Like button.***
NOTE: Thread's posted with only Thanks, Good, Nice. etc will be deleted
These rules are not final and can be reviewed by Administrations any time so keep checking them for any update.
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