Samsung Galaxy a14-5G rebooting !!


Junior Member
Feb 1, 2019
I have a Samsung Galaxy a14-5g phone I have tried everything to remove the frp on it a nothing works !! Everytime someone tells me to try this an try that an mine never works like there’s do Everytime I try something thinking it’s goin to work an never does just like I watch a video of the exact phone goin threw the process an when I try it never works like it will recognize when it hook to pc an when I try to start the process it act like it’s goin to work an when there phone reboots mine will not I’ve tried on several software an they all do the same the phone will not reboot on it’s on I will mainly do the reboot an it acts like the process is working an when I try an check an see if frp is gone it’s still there like I said Everytime when it comes for the phone has to reboot when the software tries to make it I will not an I’m thinking that’s my problem why it will not unlock !!