Samsung A536e u7 not calculating NCK


Jul 13, 2023
Hello!, i've been trying to read codes from a Samsung A536E, the phone was asking for NCK code, the tool asked to calculate MCK first, so i let it (since that is quite normal), but the NCK was not provided, i read that some models require to fail nck attempts to get the phone to ask for the mck and then read codes again in samkey to get the NCK, but no luck, i tried to do this"

"How to Read Codes new Exynos Series :

1-) It's recommended to enter few times wrong NCK so device will ask for MCK Code
2-) Read Codes to read MCK
3-) Insert Simcard, Enter MCK, and remove Simcard & withOUT rebooting the device Read Codes again to read NCK"

But i keep getting this message, and the NCK is never provided, can anyone help?
