Pease post Logs & Screenshot. Any complaint without any Log/Screenshot will be deleted or will remain unanswered.STUCK JUMPING to BROM
Driver problemSTUCK JUMPING to BROM
Download & Reinstall Working Driver restart pc
Driver problem
Download & Reinstall Working Driver
Reconnect the device through test point then unlock it again
Try tool many time alrdy...Download & Reinstall Working Driver restart pc
open unlock tool mtk universal tab
Reconnect the device through test point then unlock it again
Do you have Ufi or Easy Jtag.Try tool many time alrdy...
other version no problem...
only new security start from 2022-01-01 can't Reset
OK try my best...TqBetter for you than wasting more time connect isp identify emmc go to userpart erase frp & persistent.
backup before doing anything