Redmi Note 9/10X dual imei 1 imei 2 repair
On latest global rom without unlocking bootloader
Not erased when
Fixed nv ram error... on wifi
Fixed 3G (H+) Network
Telegram contact
iPro Service™
how to do this can u please explain
cm2 dongle can help for u for read writeYou can buy cm2 dongle not file
do u have any methods without an opening a case for dual IMEI repair?This method requires you to open the cover, the hardware method![]()
Please remote broRedmi Note 9/10X dual imei 1 imei 2 perbaikan
Pada rom global terbaru tanpa membuka kunci bootloader
Tidak terhapus ketika
Hapus / perbarui / flashing
Memperbaiki kesalahan nv ram ... di wifi
Memperbaiki Jaringan 3G (H+)
Kontak Telegram
Layanan iPro™
Do You Have Dual imei Hardware Picture? Please ShareThis method requires you to open the cover, the hardware method![]()