i read that in your site Support
Kirin710 / Kirin 810 / Kirin 820 / Kirin980 / Kirin990 (UNLOCKED/AUTHORIZED DEVICES)
Write NV,Write OEM, Write PCB Info, Write BT, Write Wifi, Rebrand, repair SN, Write New SN
This Funtion Only Working in phones with Bootloader Unlocked - DTPRO TEAM Does not sell bootloader codes "
i can`t write OEMINFO , IMEI and all important things
can write SN or BT and others , any box do that easy
please help if iam wrong
thank you
Kirin710 / Kirin 810 / Kirin 820 / Kirin980 / Kirin990 (UNLOCKED/AUTHORIZED DEVICES)
Write NV,Write OEM, Write PCB Info, Write BT, Write Wifi, Rebrand, repair SN, Write New SN
This Funtion Only Working in phones with Bootloader Unlocked - DTPRO TEAM Does not sell bootloader codes "
i can`t write OEMINFO , IMEI and all important things
can write SN or BT and others , any box do that easy
please help if iam wrong
thank you