Oppo Realme 3 (RMX1821) Safe format Universal done by Hydra Tool
Screen Short:
1. Run MTK Tool and choose "Sosc"
2. Choose Brand and Module.
3. Go to "Service"--> "Tool"
4. Choose "Factory format / Format user Data"
5. Choose "Auto" from "Method / Option" drop down menu.
6. Connect device to computer using USB Data Cable.
7. Wait until the operation is completed.
2. Choose Brand and Module.
3. Go to "Service"--> "Tool"
4. Choose "Factory format / Format user Data"
5. Choose "Auto" from "Method / Option" drop down menu.
6. Connect device to computer using USB Data Cable.
7. Wait until the operation is completed.
Screen Short:

Searching for MTK Device...Found
Port Identification :Flashmode BROM
FriendlyName :MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM8)
SymbolicName :\??\USB#VID_0E8D&PID_0003#6&1485bec3&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Driver Ver :01/22/2015,3.0.1504.0
Identifying Hardware ID.....
BROM CPUID : 0788MT6771[6771]
BROM HW_SW_VER : 8A00 CA00 0000 0000
getMTKPayloadExploit : 0788
#Executing Exploit..
Identifying Hardware ID.....
BROM CPUID : 0788MT6771[6771]
BROM HW_SW_VER : 8A00 CA00 0000 0000
FUSEID : 00000000
BR Secured : E0
Preparing Download Agent..
DA : [Not Exist]
Trying Default 6771.bin
Ver : MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2020-11-03.22:07_536568
Init : Loader [1]
Sending : Accepted
Identifying Protocol...
Protocol : New
Mode : brom
Preloader Initialization...
Parsing Realme_3_preloader_oppo6771_18601.bin
Init : Accepted
Execute Secondary Loader
Init : Loader [2]
Executing : SYNC
Reading Device UniqueID, RAM and Flash Chip Info...
UNIQUE ID : 428178A87C6AA61822F063B5E27067BB
ERAM Size : 0x0000000000039000 -228 KB
IRAM Size : 0x00000000C0000000 -3 GB
eMMC BOOT1 : 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
eMMC BOOT2 : 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
eMMC RPMB : 0x0000000001000000 -16 MB
eMMC USER : 0x0000000747C00000 -29.121 GB
eMMC CID : 90014A68423861503E036C42E9D26683 - hB8aP>
DA Speed : high-speed
Reading GPT-EMMC [0x00008000] 130 Items
Reading System Info
ID : QP1A.190711.020
SDK : 29
Release : 10
ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU abilist : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Locale : en-US
Description : full_oppo6771-user 10 QP1A.190711.020 08805472cb0b87b3 release-keys
Display ID : QP1A.190711.020 release-keys
Security Patch : 2021-03-05
StorageType : mtp
Userdata State : Not Encrypted
Autobackup Partitions
-preloader[0x00000000]512 KB ->preloader.bin...Ok
-> Renaming Preloader.... preloader_oppo6771.bin
Creating Scatter file... C:\Hydra Tool\\Backup\Auto\0788__050421093523\MT6771_Android_scatter.txt
-pgpt[0x00000000]32 KB ->pgpt.bin...Ok
-frp[0x09E88000]1024 KB ->frp.bin...Ok
-nvdata[0x0BF88000]64 MB ->nvdata.bin...Ok
-persist[0x13800000]48 MB ->persist.bin...Ok
-nvram[0x22D00000]64 MB ->nvram.bin...Ok
C:\Hydra Tool\\Backup\Auto\0788__050421093523
MTK Phone Loader is NOW RUNNING.
Reading Device UniqueID, RAM and Flash Chip Info...
UNIQUE ID : 428178A87C6AA61822F063B5E27067BB
ERAM Size : 0x0000000000039000 -228 KB
IRAM Size : 0x00000000C0000000 -3 GB
eMMC BOOT1 : 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
eMMC BOOT2 : 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
eMMC RPMB : 0x0000000001000000 -16 MB
eMMC USER : 0x0000000747C00000 -29.121 GB
eMMC CID : 90014A68423861503E036C42E9D26683 - hB8aP>
Reading GPT-EMMC [0x00008000] 130 Items
Reading System Info
ID : QP1A.190711.020
SDK : 29
Release : 10
ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU abilist : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Locale : en-US
Description : full_oppo6771-user 10 QP1A.190711.020 08805472cb0b87b3 release-keys
Display ID : QP1A.190711.020 release-keys
Security Patch : 2021-03-05
StorageType : mtp
Userdata State : Not Encrypted
Operation : Auto
Safeformat Universal... Ok
Elapsed Time : 00:01:14
Mount Everest[/B]