Oppo A5 CPH1809 dead during password unlock ISP with UFI Box


Junior Member
Sep 12, 2020
Hello to my Seniors and my Juniors too,
Happy March to all of you.

I am a well-wisher and admirer of you guys truly from my heart, yes it's you my friend and I know and believe that you all are fine and perfect in your life at your places.
Here I am too perfect and fine at my place and all are good around me too.

Thanks for being with me and the world, guys.

I really appreciate your presence and your support in my life and others as a mentor or as a friend.

Thanks Bros.

Now at the exact point, I really need some help with my Oppo A5 CPH1809 which is dead during password unlocking with UFI Box through ISP Pinout Jumpers.
I exactly know that I soldered the VCC VCCQ point firstly wrong, but before fixing this I removed ISP pinout jumpers and checked by myself that the phone was properly on.
Then I resoldered correctly all ISP pinouts again and rechecked the jumpers and connected the board with the UFI box to identify the eMMC.
I got all information about Oppo A5 ISP detection details of eMMC in UFI eMMC Tool and after that, I went to the User Area tab to remove the password and unlock the Oppo A5 CPH1809, but here I got an error when I tried wipe data, wipe data and app data always Error 3.
I tried then factory reset it's again given the error but somehow or say accidentally phone factory reset process is completed.
After that, I ejected and removed all Oppo A5 CPH1809 ISP adaptor pinout jumpers and connected the board with assembly and power on, whooshhhh..... dead, no power on.

I didn't get any idea that how this proper powered on mobile gone dead, I studied and tried many solutions like removing CLK resistor and shorting it and other ones but failed and also given this mobile to experts in my city to make it alive that Oppo A5 CPH1809, they all tried their fullest and best even removed the eMMC and tried to program but after all that mobile is still dead.

Do you guys have any clue or any tigdum to make this phone alive again?

This same board is in Oppo A3S CPH1853 and after some days the same problem with A3S CPH1853 also dead.
Now I have 2 phones which are dead in the same condition and really want to deliver it to their owner as alive that was.

Please give any best solution for that kind of problem to resolve that damn dead-making error of this type of eMMC.

Help me out, guys
Your wellwisher,