need edl mode mbn un password evo tool xt2131 file please help for testing


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2023
so i have one bricked phone and both are acessible on edl mode

the other is working

the problem is that i can blankflash the edl mode one to fastboot mode but when i try to flash with fastboot it says
oem unlocking should be enable

is there a way i can oem unlock the phone with this evo tool

or a way to backup one phone in edl mode working one and flash the other in bad state edl mode to make it boot

the working phone is rooted and oem is enabled

there both backs are off so im able to acess edl mode on both

can someone send screen shot s of the menu for qualcomm tool i want to make sure before i purschase credits

and also if i can get a un password mbn file for phone qualcomm xt2131 i want to see if it readable with qfil first on my variant of motorola

if some can please help with the password free mbn file thank you