In early February, Lenovo will start to update the smartphone Moto Z Play to Android 7.0 Nougat. Update brought support for multiscreen mode, the new center of notifications and quick settings menu, improved power saving mode Doze, quick switching between the last running applications and other changes. In this case, users complained that has long been out Android 7.1.1 with a number of improvements, but they only got Android 7.0. One of the owners of Moto Z Play turned to Motorola customer support and asked whether they should wait for Android 7.1.1. Employee of the company has confirmed that this unit is upgraded to this version.
Unfortunately, the support staff is not even called the approximate dates when to wait for the update, but even in this case, the owner of the Moto Z Play was fully satisfied with the answer.
Probably, Android 7.1.1 and will receive other Moto Z line-up, but that's about more affordable Soup, like Moto G4 / G4 Plus, and older models yet unknown. Note that at this time Lenovo has released an update to Android 7.0 for Moto X model range in 2015 only in certain regions, such as Brazil and India.
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