1= Rename file to 20n.up
2= Copy file to internal sdcard/SoftwareUpdate create folder if not exist
3= Turn On USB Debuging and connect to pc
4= Open adb and fastboot command window and enter the command
adb devices
adb shell
am start -n com.lge.lgfota.permission/com.lge.lgfota.permission.DmcEzUpdateStart
The device will star upgrading.
File link
1= Rename file to 20n.up
2= Copy file to internal sdcard/SoftwareUpdate create folder if not exist
3= Turn On USB Debuging and connect to pc
4= Open adb and fastboot command window and enter the command
adb devices
adb shell
am start -n com.lge.lgfota.permission/com.lge.lgfota.permission.DmcEzUpdateStart
The device will star upgrading.
File link