Checking for device... OKInfo : iPhone 7 (GSM) [iPhone9,3-d101ap]
Boot : [IBOOT-2696.] [DFU]
Pwnder : CHECKM8
Initializing... OK
Sending iboot.img4... OK
Sending devicetree.img4... OK
Sending ramdisk.img4... OK
Sending rdtrust.img4... OK
Sending kernel.img4... OK
Booting RAMDISK... OK
Tips : If device keeps rebooting when mounting, try Fix Mount [2] first!
UNLOCKTOOL 2023.09.23.0
Elapsed time : 54 seconds
Please notice that SIM LOCK device restoration is not supported!Initializing... OK
Connecting to device... FAIL
Failed to establish connection to the device!
Tips : Make sure device has been jail-broken/ramdisk booted!
UNLOCKTOOL 2023.09.23.0
Elapsed time : 15 seconds