Help I need a refund


Junior Member
Oct 30, 2020
santa cruz
They don't answer WhatsApp, they don't answer telegram.

2 days ago they answered in another forum https://forum.**************/vbb/f1132/they-dont-answer-whatsapp-telegram-3350139/

How much longer should I wait? Or am I going to be scammed with that unlocktool activation that shouldn't take more than 6 hours and it's already been 5 days?

✅1733901 x 1
The user license " lukk - UnlockTool (12 Months)" was added successfully.
UnlockTool Renew / Activation 12 months License
Email [email protected]
Username lukk

This is the second time this has happened. The last time it was with their YouTube premium accounts, they didn't give me a solution and I had to refund the customer. This time the amount is too much to lose. They said they would fix it soon 2 days ago and so far nothing. The customer is already demanding a refund.