Huawei FRL-L22(Y9A 2021) Removing Account successfully done by Hydra Tool
1. Run Hydra MTK Module and choose Sosc.
2. Choose Brand and Module.
3. Go to "Service"-->"Tool" Tab.
4. Choose "Huawei"
5. Choose "|Remove Account" from "Module / Option" of drop down menu.
6. Click on "Execute"
8. connect device to the computer with USB Data cable
7. Wait until the process is completed.
2. Choose Brand and Module.
3. Go to "Service"-->"Tool" Tab.
4. Choose "Huawei"
5. Choose "|Remove Account" from "Module / Option" of drop down menu.
6. Click on "Execute"
8. connect device to the computer with USB Data cable
7. Wait until the process is completed.
Screen Shorts
Searching for MTK Device...Found
Port Identification :Flashmode BROM
FriendlyName :MediaTek USB Port (COM4)
Device :5&215197d9&0&2
SymbolicName :\??\USB#VID_0E8D&PID_0003#5&215197d9&0&2#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Driver Ver :01/22/2016,3.2
Reading Device UniqueID, RAM and Flash Chip Info...
UNIQUE ID : CAB41B4BBD1D04803C178183E02F771C
ERAM Size : 0x0000000000070000 -448 KB
IRAM Size : 0x0000000100000000 -4 GB
eMMC BOOT1 : 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
eMMC BOOT2 : 0x0000000000400000 -4 MB
eMMC RPMB : 0x0000000001000000 -16 MB
eMMC USER : 0x0000001D1F000000 -116.484 GB
eMMC CID : 90014A6844456150330110290B457745 - hDEaP3
Reading GPT-EMMC [0x00008000] 130 Items
Operation : Remove Account
Backing up Partition for safety...
-oeminfo_052021114618.bin[0x09600000]32 MB ->oeminfo_052021114618.bin...Ok Ok
Elapsed Time : 00:00:08
Mount Everest