Job ID: 0000000001FA24AB
2021-12-16 09:22:25 GMT -------------------------------------------------
Starting Reset FRP
Selected phone model: DUB-LX1
Warning: oem get-build-number failed
Downloading additional resources...
Initializing remote service connection...
Downloading additional resources...
Connecting to phone..
Please, reconnect battery, connect USB cable with attached Test Point on your phone!
Sending loader Qualcomm Snapdragon 450V.0.mbn...
Loader send successfully
Reconnecting, please wait..
Removing FRP lock...
Reset FRP done.
Performed by 1.2.7 Software version.
2021-12-16 09:22:25 GMT -------------------------------------------------
Starting Reset FRP
Selected phone model: DUB-LX1
Warning: oem get-build-number failed
Downloading additional resources...
Initializing remote service connection...
Downloading additional resources...
Connecting to phone..
Please, reconnect battery, connect USB cable with attached Test Point on your phone!
Sending loader Qualcomm Snapdragon 450V.0.mbn...
Loader send successfully
Reconnecting, please wait..
Removing FRP lock...
Reset FRP done.
Performed by 1.2.7 Software version.