World First Download MTK Meta Utility Tool V88


Friend's Martview
Dec 4, 2021

Download MTK Meta Utility Tool V88​

The MTK Meta Utility Tool is a powerful tool that can disable the secure boot feature on MTK devices. This can be useful for flashing custom ROMs or for troubleshooting purposes. The latest version of the tool is V88, which is available for download.


  • Add MTK Read [eMMC/UFS] dump over USB (512 Megabytes) (one click).
  • Addition of [Spreadtrum/UnSoCadded].PAC Firmware extract.
  • Fixed (OPPO Realme) MediaTek (MTK) Qualcomm OFP Firmware extraction process.
  • Automated blend (repack) photos using multiple regions to reduce time and space.
  • The software will merge the first region first out of CSV MAP usually. The first region is (the EU).
  • Corrected Android Utils tab (some items were hidden behind tiny displays (laptops)). This is now fixed.

Download Here
