Operation : Multi Flash
Checking for existing devices...Not Found
Turn Off phone, hold Vol UP + Vol DOWN and insert USB cable.
Some phones may need Special Boot Cable or TestPoint for EDL mode.
SAMSUNG : Turn Off phone, hold EDL Cable Button and insert to phone and
press VOL DOWN + POWER on phone more than 3 times rapidly and then leave EDL Cable Button.
SAMSUNG (NEW) : Turn Off phone, hold EDL Cable Button and insert to phone and
press VOL UP + DOWN on phone more than 3 times rapidly and then leave EDL Cable Button.
Found Port : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM6)
Driver Info : Qualcomm Incorporated, qcusbser.sys,
Connecting to phone...OK
Waiting for response...OK
Init Handshake Sequence...OK
Hardware ID : E1801B00 [SM6225] 00007200
OPK_DATA : 4B60244704D721E5B96DD5BB7233886E38F2198FBDE6433FCE 1D25A7B0472DD7
Initializing Protocol...OK
Using Auto Loader Selection [1]
Preparing Loader...Done
Sending Loader [SM6225_001]...Done
Executing Loader...OK
Auth Enabled Device! You may need Mi Auth Account to service!
Init EDL Auth...OK
Detecting Storage Type...OK
Hardware : SM6225, UFS, 128 GB
LU Count : 6 [0x01D46800] [0x00000800] [0x00000800] [0x00002000] [0x00080000] [0x00001000]
WARNING! High Speed Driver is not installed.
Please install driver from QcFire\Drivers folder using Device Manager.
Payload Info : In: 262144 [65536], Out: 16384, Sector Size: 4096
Reading Partition Table...OK [101]
Reading Device Information...OK [Sign]
Build :
Int. Build :
Processing [rawprogram0.xml]
Writing [persist.img] -> [persist] ...Done
Writing [cust.img ] -> [cust]...Done
Writing [super.img ] -> [super]...Done
Writing [vbmeta_system.img] -> [vbmeta_system_a] ...Done
Writing [vbmeta_system.img] -> [vbmeta_system_b] ...Done
Writing [metadata.img ] -> [metadata]...Done
Writing [rescue.img ] -> [rescue]...Done
Writing [userdata.img ] -> [userdata]...Done
Writing [gpt_main0.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
Writing [gpt_backup0.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
Applying Patches................Done
Processing [rawprogram1.xml]
Writing [xbl.elf] -> [xbl_a] ...Done
Writing [xbl_config.elf] -> [xbl_config_a] ...Done
Writing [gpt_main1.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
Writing [gpt_backup1.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
Applying Patches................Done
Processing [rawprogram2.xml]
Writing [xbl.elf] -> [xbl_b] ...Done
Writing [xbl_config.elf] -> [xbl_config_b] ...Done
Writing [gpt_main2.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
Writing [gpt_backup2.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
Applying Patches................Done
Processing [rawprogram3.xml]
Writing [gpt_main3.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
Writing [gpt_backup3.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
Applying Patches................Done
Processing [rawprogram4.xml]
Writing [rpm.mbn] -> [rpm_a] ...Done
Writing [tz.mbn] -> [tz_a] ...Done
Writing [hyp.mbn] -> [hyp_a] ...Done
Writing [NON-HLOS.bin] -> [modem_a] ...Done
Writing [BTFM.bin] -> [bluetooth_a] ...Done
Writing [abl.elf] -> [abl_a] ...Done
Writing [dspso.bin] -> [dsp_a] ...Done
Writing [keymint.mbn] -> [keymaster_a] ...Done
Writing [boot.img] -> [boot_a] ...Done
Writing [devcfg.mbn] -> [devcfg_a] ...Done
Writing [qupv3fw.elf] -> [qupfw_a] ...Done
Writing [vbmeta.img] -> [vbmeta_a] ...Done
Writing [dtbo.img] -> [dtbo_a] ...Done
Writing [imagefv.elf] -> [imagefv_a] ...Done
Writing [uefi_sec.mbn] -> [uefisecapp_a] ...Done
Writing [featenabler.mbn] -> [featenabler_a] ...Done
Writing [multi_image.mbn] -> [multiimgoem_a] ...Done
Writing [init_boot.img] -> [init_boot_a] ...Done
Writing [recovery.img] -> [recovery_a] ...Done
Writing [vendor_boot.img] -> [vendor_boot_a] ...Done
Writing [rpm.mbn] -> [rpm_b] ...Done
Writing [tz.mbn] -> [tz_b] ...Done
Writing [hyp.mbn] -> [hyp_b] ...Done
Writing [NON-HLOS.bin] -> [modem_b] ...Done
Writing [BTFM.bin] -> [bluetooth_b] ...Done
Writing [abl.elf] -> [abl_b] ...Done
Writing [dspso.bin] -> [dsp_b] ...Done
Writing [keymint.mbn] -> [keymaster_b] ...Done
Writing [boot.img] -> [boot_b] ...Done
Writing [devcfg.mbn] -> [devcfg_b] ...Done
Writing [qupv3fw.elf] -> [qupfw_b] ...Done
Writing [vbmeta.img] -> [vbmeta_b] ...Done
Writing [dtbo.img] -> [dtbo_b] ...Done
Writing [featenabler.mbn] -> [featenabler_b] ...Done
Writing [imagefv.elf] -> [imagefv_b] ...Done
Writing [uefi_sec.mbn] -> [uefisecapp_b] ...Done
Writing [multi_image.mbn] -> [multiimgoem_b] ...Done
Writing [logfs_ufs_8mb.bin] -> [logfs] ...Done
Writing [storsec.mbn] -> [storsec] ...Done
Writing [gpt_main4.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
Writing [gpt_backup4.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
Applying Patches................Done
Processing [rawprogram5.xml]
Writing [gpt_main5.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
Writing [gpt_backup5.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
Applying Patches................Done
Set Boottable Storage Drive to 1...Done
Reading Partition Table...OK [101]
Resetting FRP Lock.......Done